There are numerous authoring softwares. Join us to learn the possibilities of each within construction layout!
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Details about Data Preparation for Construction Layout
Details about Data Preparation for Construction Layout
Join Bryan Williams, Trimble Layout Solutions Segment Manager, to see how you can use various authoring softwares to prepare data for field layout. Authoring software highlighted in this session include: AutoCAD, Revit, Tekla, SketchUp and FieldLink Office.
Who: All those interested in construction layout technology
What: FREE Construction Layout webinar
When: Wednesday, September 30 at 1pm MT
About our presenters
Bryan Williams
Trimble Segment Manager – Building Construction Field Systems
• 30 years of international experience in the construction industry
• 16 years at Trimble Inc.
• Based in Westminter, CO
Date and Time
Date: Wednesday, September 30th
Good design is innovative.
The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design.